addiction and relationship coaching with Heidi Rain

Heidi Rain, Healer of the Head and Heart.  Specializing in Codependency, Addiction, and Toxic Relationship Recovery.

How do you break free and recover from  a codependent, dysfunctional, unhealthy relationship?

How do you end all relationship confusion?

How do you heal from dealing with a narcissistic, toxic, dysfunctional or addicted person?

You HEAL your Relationship Trauma with Heidi Rain’s miraculous proven methods. Start your healing journey and work with Addiction, Codependency and Relationship Recovery Expert Heidi Rain today. 

 Why does someone as smart and loving as you struggle and suffer in your relationships?

There’s only one reason someone as wonderful as you would end up in a one sided, hurtful relationship that causes you anxiety, confusion, resentment, and pain. And that reason is you believe a lie that you have to settle, struggle, or self sacrifice for love. The truth is, LOVE IS NOT PAIN. Pain is pain and love heals pain. 

Love is meant to be joyful. Love is a place you go to feel safe. 

Relationships are places to feel seen, heard, valued, adored, respected, and treasured. Healthy relationships are NOT a place to feel abandoned, rejected, betrayed, or neglected. That my love, is a toxic relationship


In a toxic relationship, you’re confused a lot. Even though you’re super smart, you can’t make sense of what’s happening in your relationship. You wonder how you ended up with such a dysfunctional person. Maybe this isn’t your first dysfunctional rodeo and you’re wondering what it’s going to take to have your Happily Even After. 

You wonder if it’s too late. You have guilty feelings when you think about ending things. You get sucked back into the trauma drama through gaslighting, blaming, shaming, and manipulation. 

Maybe you’re tired of pretending everything’s ok. 

You’ve come to the right place!

Why is someone as smart and determined as you suffering so much?

One reason: Codependent Attachment Personality Patterns.

Are you running one of Heidi Rain’s 8 Codependent Attachment Personality Patterns?

1. You try and control everything and everyone around you at all times, so nothing bad happens. After all, most people are incompetent idiots. Am I right?

2. You fix everything, including people. You feel like you have case loads instead of relationships. You’re acting as the hero to everyone but yourself. 

3. You please everyone else and you come last. You don’t want to appear selfish so you self sacrifice.

4. You find yourself the victim of betrayal, rejection, abandonment, or neglect at the hands of a toxic, dysfunctional person.  

5. You pretend everything is fine, put on a show for others and no one knows what’s really going on with you.

6. You feel like you have to be perfect to be loved and you cannot make any mistakes. You judge yourself without mercy and you never feel good enough. 

7. You withhold yourself from getting too close to anyone. You keep love at an arms distance because you don’t trust anyone but yourself.

8. You’re loyal to a fault. You cling and have a very hard time letting people go.    

These are  Heidi Rain’s 8 Codependent Attachment Personality Patterns. They are patterns of behavior that keep you stuck, settling, suffering, and struggling to have the love you want.

Are you running one of Heidi Rain’s 8 Codependent Attachment Personality Patterns? It’s time to find out! 


Take Heidi Rain’s Codependent Attachment Personality Patterns Test NOW! Not only will it show you IF you have been running a Codependent Attachment Personality Pattern, it will REVEAL which one you have of the 8 possible patterns.

See if YOU have a Codependent Attachment Pattern

Learn the hidden codependent patterns that keep you stuck, struggling, or suffering in your relationships

Identify Your Unique Relationship Programming

Learn what it takes to break free from these patterns for good

About Heidi Rain

Heidi Rain is the creator of Codeoendent Attachment Personality Patterns and the Rapid Detachment Method. She is the Inventor of the REIGN Healing Method. Her books, speaking engagements, courses, and programs specialize in codependency, self-love, dysfunctional/unhealthy relationships, and dealing with addiction in the family.  Her goal is to increase awareness of generational dysfunction through education, fostering personal responsibility through masterful coaching, and affecting lasting change by breaking toxic patterns, ending the cycles of toxic relationships and healing  dysfunctional families  for good.

heidi rain addiction, codependency and toxic relationship recovery


Coach Heidi  changed my life. I enrolled in the program after coming to the realization that some of my relationships were not healthy ones. I knew I was a good person with a good heart and couldn’t figure out why I kept drawing projects instead of partners. I consider myself an intelligent, professional kind, and loving woman but some of my relationships didn’t reflect who I was, and I couldn’t figure out why. I had to take a good look at myself. Heidi helped me realize because of my dysfunctional abusive childhood, I had become Codependent and had learned how to function in dysfunction. I learned in LYFE school that my personality attachment patterns were the people pleaser and the fixer. As a people pleaser I would sometimes say yes when I really wanted to say no. As the fixer I wanted to be the one that rescued. I was that Wonder Woman all for the sake of LOVE. Love that I was still seeking as a little girl from my mother. LYFE school helped me discover I am worthy of love without any extra, just being who I am is enough. I am enough and my value is priceless. I have learned through LYFE school how to set healthy boundaries and I have learned to see people for who they are regardless of their titles or labels.

I am FREE and I walk in my Freedom without any apologies, but most importantly I have learned how to Love and honor ME. 

Grateful for my Angel

Loria G


Heidi is a wizard at getting to the core of deep rooted issues and helping people navigate a path to self-love and acceptance by breaking unhealthy thoughts and behavior patterns. She was able to help me change my perspective in order for personal growth and I have since incorporated her curriculum into my own practice as a licensed clinical therapist.

Heidi was not only integral in my own treatment but I’ve witnessed her facilitate remarkable change in many people’s lives. Heidi is one of the most relatable life coaches and mentors I’ve ever been involved with and I am proud to call her my friend. Her expertise in relationships, self-worth/love and addictions combined with her personal experience and humor allow her to teach individuals how to truly redefine their belief systems and change dysfunctional thought patterns and behaviors which ultimately lead to lives of fulfillment.

As the director of an intensive co-occurring disorders program, Heidi has allowed me to be more comfortable in using my personal experience as a teaching tool and gain confidence as a leader. I often use her methods and teachings to promote discussion and I make a concerted effort to emulate her ease of connectedness in presentation style.

Heidi’s expertise combined with her ability to exercise change is brilliant and, in my opinion, unparalleled. Her efficacy is a true testament to the powerful work she does. Just ask any of her students.

Meagan Gaine


When I met Heidi I was in a horrible place. Dealing with a fiancé facing addiction and in rehab. She was the one person who would tell me like it was with no filter. She has taught me about co-dependency and learning how to break free from toxic relationships. At my lowest point, she was the hand that reached down to help me pull myself up. I cannot imagine where I would be today had I not met this most amazing soul. She is passionate about her wants to help others. And she is smart beyond her years. I truly feel that you have had to walk in the trenches to understand how to help pull others out. She is beyond one of the most intricate parts of my recovery and I value her as my coach, my confidant, and my friend.

Tammy Inge

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